lördag 9 juli 2011

LIVA - kort

Satte mig och knåpade ihop ett litet kort nu på kvällen.

Kortet får vara med i följande utmaningar:

Annars har jag mest suttit på balkongen under dagen.
Vi har strålande solsken och riktigt varmt och skönt,
med lite lagom fläktande vind emellanåt.
Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg!

19 kommentarer:

till-vidas-ara sa...

fin fint kära du!!! Här har varit galet varmt, 25 grader i skuggan, tryckande regnöverhängande hela dagen, flera dagar, ska inte klaga :)

Kramar om, Lycke

SusanLotus sa...

Tack kära du Lycke!
Ja, här har kom det in ett riktigt tryckande väder igår, det blev alldeles mörkt och vi trodde det skulle braka loss ett åskoväder... Men det drog förbi. Som mest har vi haft ca 30 grader i skuggan. Jag njuuuter!
Hoppas du njuter också. Sommaren går så fort och är alldeles för kort!
Kramar! :)

Sue B sa...

Hi Sussie,

Aww what a sweet card! Love the image, colours and gorgeous flowers. Lovely and bright and Summery - a nice Happy Card!

Your weather sounds very nice !!
Hugs Sue XX

Caroline sa...

Wonderful card Sussie! Love the different background textures you added... and the cute stamp..

SusanLotus sa...

Thank you Sue and Caroline!
You make me so happy with your kind comments :)
Yes, I enjoy every second of this summerweather.
Have a great sunday!

maska sa...

Så søtt stempel du har brukt her på dette flotte kortet.
Ha en fin søndag.

SusanLotus sa...

Tack Marit!
Jag önskar dig detsamma! :D

Bastelmichaela sa...

A beautiful card...
Thanks for joining us at Cutie Sunday,
hugs Michaela

SusanLotus sa...

Thank you Michaela! :)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures sa...

Hi Sussie, glad to hear you are having lovely weather. It is hot and dusty and humid here so only indoor activities. Catching up with blogs after our trip to Nepal. I read about your snake bite -- yikes! Good to know you aren't allergic. I was surprised we didn't see snakes in Nepal but we did see lots of lizards and salamanders and centipides and snails and worms. My boys are allergic to mosquito bites so they get big welts when they get bit. Hope you have a great week. Tammy

SusanLotus sa...

Yes, I was really lucky :)
You saw a whole bunch of animals!
Nepal sounds very exotic and exciting to me. A real adventure.
I wish you a great week too.

Stine sa...

A beautiful card...
Thanks for joining us at Cutie Sunday.
Hugs STine

Bella´s Bastelecke sa...

Gorgeous card, sweetie and I love the image you have used….. Thanks for joing at Cutie Sunday....


SusanLotus sa...

Thank you Stine and Bella for your positive feedback! :)

The Crafty Den sa...

Hi Sussie, what a beautiful card, the image is so cute and your colouring is perfect. Thanks for sharing it with us at passion for promarkers challenge. I can't wait to see your "gingham" card for this week's challenge. Hugs, Denise x

SusanLotus sa...

Thank you Denise! :)
I´m so happy you took the time to come by and take a look at the card

Ute85 sa...

A wonderful card...
Thanks for joining us at Cutie Sunday,
hugs Ute85

Nadine sa...


Wow, wonderful.
I love it. Thank you for
Playing Cutie Sunday.

Hugs Nadine

SusanLotus sa...

Thanks a bunch Ute and Nadine!
I´ll be playing the new theme as well :)
Enjoy the summer! Hugs!