I morse rotade jag fram några gamla målningar ur en gammal
låda som jag lade ner teckningar mm i redan 1999. Där har de
blivit liggande eftersom jag knappt orkat göra något annat än
arbeta. Så de här har legat orörda ända sedan tiden i Vasastan
i Stockholm.
Vill gärna slutföra de här gamla projekten nu i sommar
innan jag påbörjar något nytt. Det ska bli roligt att göra
detta dagar då solen vägrar infinna sig och det är regn
och mulet utanför.
Den här tavlan ville jag göra som ett minne av mina
resor till Turkiet. Motiven ritar jag med akvarellpenna
och pensel och klipper ut för att göra ett collage.
Ska måla dit fler saker med Turkiet-tema och kanske
använder jag flera tekniker. Inte bara akvarellpenna.
Hursomhelst ska det bli kul att göra klart denna också.
Så här ser mitt skrivbord ut just nu. En del av det.
Resten vill Ni inte se. Det är för rörigt!
Men Ni kan titta på vad andra kreativa bloggare
har för projekt på gång på sina skrivbord här:
Nu dags att äta frukost. Bakade goda scones igår på
ett lite annorlunda vis. Goda som sjutton blev de trots
att de inte blev världens vackraste.
Jag använde rågmjöl, linfrön, naturell yoghurt, rivna
morötter, honung bland annat.
Tog lite nya bilder igår då jag gick från simhallen. Det fick
blir en liten promenad till en busshållplats lite längre bort.
Gick på en stig genom en liten skogsdunge...
Att andas in skogens dofter är riktigt avslappnande!
Att andas in skogens dofter är riktigt avslappnande!
Det var allt för idag. Ska vila en stund efter frukost,
Har diagnosen utmattningssyndrom,och sedan
kommer gubben hem och äter lunch.
Har diagnosen utmattningssyndrom,och sedan
kommer gubben hem och äter lunch.
Njut av dagen!
Kram Sussie
Horrah for the translate button, super paintings. Happy WOYWW BJ#15
SvaraRaderaWell, you are doing amazingly well if you have chronic fatigue, Susan...I admire you for filling your days with things to do rather than feeling sorry for yourself. I love your old paintings, especially the man from Turkey, you really caught him right. And if you have any scones left over, I'll be visiting you soon. They look yummy :-)
SvaraRaderaHugs, LLJ xxx
A lovely post, Susan. Hope you manage to do something with those beautiful images kept in that box all these years They are lovely. Well done. What a wonderful walk through the trees - yes, I agree - the scents in a wood or forest are glorious.
SvaraRaderaTake care of yourself.
God bless.
Margaret #5
Hi Jan!
SvaraRaderaThanks, I´ll send you some scone. You´ll receive them in your dreams. ;)
Thanks for your positive feedback on my paintings. I appreciate it alot.
I had months when I didn´t do anything at all so I try to put my self
together. I don´t want to lie in bed rest of my life. Some days I do though.
And I did that for too long... I had to make a choice. To die or to live.
I choose to live. :)
And I love the WOYWW. It´s my link to the world of other art loving people.
Thank you for organizing it when Julia is away.
Thank you BJ also for your commenting! :)
Sorry, LAY in bed I mean. Not lie... ;)
SvaraRaderaThanks Margaret, for your positive encouragement.
SvaraRaderaI wish you a blessed day too.
Lovely art work on your desk Sussie, Thanks for stopping by earlier. Jill #7
SvaraRaderaYour artwork is amazing Sussie, I am so pleased you shared it with us. And more lovely photos, Spring is just so special when everything bursts into life. I did get round to blogging my own earlier as it's such a shame not to share the beauty of the season.
SvaraRaderaB x
Hi Sussie, great to meet you. This little group makes the world seem much smaller. Lovely photos of your walk. I had a quick look round and love your card makes too. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x 21
SvaraRaderayou see, never throw anything away because it may come in handy one day, thx for your visit earlier, Vicky
SvaraRaderaLovely paintings and yummy food! made me so hungry! (It always happens when I see food posts!) Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #37
SvaraRaderaHello Susan your paintings are so beautiful and cannot wait to see how it looks when all done and the walk you took with those pictures look so relaxing and is great to get out from time to time and enjoy the moments that surround you. Hope you are feeling better soon or a day full of energy where tired just isn't there. Have a great week and thanks for visiting me earlier. Hugs~Anne L#47
SvaraRaderaYummy food - makes me feel hungry too!
SvaraRaderaNice paintings. It's always fun to look back at things you've done and maybe incorporate them into other things. The walk you took looks great. It's been rather chilly here again so no outside walks. It's supposed to warm up and be sunny so hopefully this weekend.
Have a great week
Sharon K #46
Hello Susie, I had to use the translate button and it worked very well. It was great reading your post. I love that drawing of the turkish man (and the woman too of course).
SvaraRaderaThank you for taking us on a walk with you through the little forest. Is that house for sale?
The scones look yummy, especially as you have used rye and flaxseed. I try to avoid wheat as my body doesn't like it, but rye flour is difficult to get here (only on internet).
Thank you for visiting and have a good week.
Hi ladies!
SvaraRaderaThanks to all of you for your kind comments. Makes me smile. :)
I really enjoy reading each and everyone of them.
Well, I hope the weather will be better here too this weekend.
And forward. A summer as warm as 2014 would be preferable if you ask me.
I don´t know about the house. I think it´s some kind of community house...
So fun that you all walked with me in the little forest. LOL
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Susie, Loving your old artwork. Hope you get them finished.
SvaraRaderaYour breakfast looked lovely.
Nice place to walk.
You had your number as 17, but that's mine. You are 16. You aren't the only one this week that has the wrong number.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #17
Thank you Sue for telling me that!
SvaraRaderaI was so early and I am sure my number was 17.
So I think someone has deleted their post so all
numbers did jump back a step... ;)
Now I will write 16.
Hope you are enjoying the WOYWW!
Sussie nr 16
I do hope you finish those paintings. They are lovely. Nice to hear that you are swimming and walking. Thanks for sharing your corner of the world, so nice and green. Very hot here now which makes me rather sad since I can't get out as much. Take care, Tammy
SvaraRaderaBeautiful paintings - you have a talent with watercolours. Your scones look delicious and they sound quite healthy too.
SvaraRaderaThank you for visiting my desk earlier, I hope you have a good week,
Diana #26
Thank you Tammy for visiting me. :)
SvaraRaderaI am slowly getting out of my depression.
My hubby said to me that now you have the pressure
on you to finish the paintings so you can show your
artful friends you did it! And I will Tammy. ;)
Thank you for always encouraging me to walk and be
active. I´m happy you do! Really need it to be honest.
I wish it was about 35 C plus here and some warm wind.
Sure you had that for a time already and now getting
to 40 C plus and more which is probably too hot.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Susan what stunnning artwork,your painting style is beautiful I hope you get them finsihed and look forward to seeing them.Thankyou for visiting and your kind words .Thankyou also for sharing a part of your world with us, the forest walk looked lovely and breakfast looked yummy too...happy woyww hugs Andrea 3 #
SvaraRaderaYour artwork and photos are fabulous! My ancestors came from Sweden, love seeing pics of the country!
SvaraRaderaCarol N #44
what lovely pieces you have sketched. I have many unfinished projects as well. The 'finish' list is long once I am completely moved into the studio. Thank you for your visit this week. Creative Blessings! Kelly #51
SvaraRaderaLove your gorgeous artwork, and that food looks sooo yummy! Thanks so much for visiting me. Sandy Leigh #54
SvaraRaderaThank you Andrea, Carol, Kelly and Sandy for your visit
SvaraRaderato my blog.
Now it´s time for me to go to sleep...
Goodnight everyone.
I love the fact that you have kept your drawings, and also that they are in such a good condition. would love to see if you add to them?
SvaraRaderaI always find that the baking which doesn't necessarily loo the prettiest, is always the most delicious :) Lea #57
Hi Sussie! Thanks for stopping by, I'm playing catch up this evening as I had some things to get finished in the afternoon - I can waste a whole on the pc when its Wednesday!! Great pictures, yes you must finish your project when you have time. In case no one has explained yet next week when you link up you need to add an asterisk to your name. You must send an ATC to the next person on the list who has an asterisk so you will need to get their address if you don't have it. Not everyone will join in, no pressure. And if you forget your asterisk just link again. It'll all get sorted!! If you want to swap with anyone else then you just arrange that between you. So, I'll send you an ATC. You haven't moved have you? Happy WOYWW, Cindy #36
SvaraRaderaWhat a lovely post, Susie! Gorgeous photos. Your breakfast made my mouth water and the scones look very interesting and delicious and full of good things! I love your paintings. I also have ME (sometimes called chronic fatigue syndrome but in my experience so much more than that, as I am sure you will agree) - we do need to rest a lot. I've got very overtired recently because of overdoing things. Thank you for your lovely comment, and for your good wishes for my health. Glad you like Phoebe! We were so relieved when she turned up - I had a bad night last night, thinking the worst. That photo was taken when she was much younger and I love it because she thinks she can still fit in the kitten bed and is bursting out of it!
SvaraRaderaHappy WOYWW,
Shoshi #49
Ooh that translate button is brilliant, your paintings look fantastic so, it will be fun to see your collage as it comes along :) Thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy # 52
SvaraRaderaDu målar ju helt fantastiskt, snacka om att det kommer att bli en fin tavla när den är klar.
SvaraRaderaJa det är allt gott med skogsluft, jag har den in på knuten, så jag är lyckligt lottad.
Önskar dig en trevlig dag
The paintings are fantastic, and the food looks yummy! Have a great week, Chrysalis 58
SvaraRaderaYour work is very lovely. It's always fun to revamp and/or work on old unfinished pieces, since you can look at them with new eyes. Blessings!
SvaraRaderaOh wow, so much to see in this blogpost! LOVE the paintings and I love seeing photos of nature and your surroundings.Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier - have a great day. Hug from Holland, Marit #34
SvaraRaderaSo glad you have the translation button! Your drawings of your Turkey trip look great. I especially like the man sitting down. For some reason I actually thought of Turkey before I read it!
SvaraRaderaThe scones do look good and they sound even better! Your breakfast looks so good it made my mouth water!
Thanks for visiting me already,
Kay (4)
I am on the wrong side of breakfast and your pictures are making my tummy rumble. Love the pictures you have unearthed - if you lived here in the north of England you would have lots of time to finish them all off as we have rain, rain an more rain.
SvaraRaderaThanks for visiting me earlier, sorry I am so late.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx
I think your old paintings will be a nice addition to new MixedMedia pieces, I can see lots of possibilities!
SvaraRaderaWhat lovely pix you have shared today
SvaraRaderaSorry to be so late visiting - happy WOYWW
I can't wait to see what you do with the paintings. I happen to love scones, but have only baked them myself once. :) These are lovely photos you have shared. Thanks for the earlier visit. #62
SvaraRaderaSussie your drawing and colouring is amazing. Loving that crochet rug behind your breakfast bowl. Did you crochet that. I see you also love baking xxx
SvaraRaderaHugs Desíre {Doing Life}
Oh these paintings are all wonderful Sussie..you should definitely do more of them! it's fab when you discover long lost creations like this and it should inspire you to do more.
SvaraRaderaMmm… your scones look and sound delicious! I always enjoy looking at your photos.. the forest looks really lovely and relaxing place to walk in!
Hope you have a good evening!
Love and hugs, Sue B xx
Hi Sussie, your paintings are very interesting and well done.
SvaraRaderaAnd your breakfast looks so delicious, especially the buns...yummy! Thanks for sharing your beautiful walk photos. A great post!
Mar :)