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This card is to Mikaela from Francis in The Netherlands, it was sent to me so luckily I could take a photo, but I will send it further to Mikaela today. |
who asked for the address to the hospital where my
daughter is getting treatments for her blood desease.
She is VERY VERY happy for all the cards and I think
she received over 25 cards this far from Flickr-friends
in USA and Europe,
in USA and Europe,
from people she doesn´t even know :)
She told me you make such beautiful poems and even
write letters to her. And she thanks you for all your prayers.
So thank you for helping her to see there is so much love
out there and that people are thinking of her! :)
She will be hospitalized for many more weeks and this
has been a big chock for all of us.
I try to make some crafting and go to the gym to stay
strong in these difficult times...
Right now I´m working for some small albums for her.
She is isolated for the moment so I didn´t see all the cards
yet, but when I visit her later this month I will take photos
of them and show you all.
Have a very nice day!
4 kommentarer:
Jag hoppas att din dotter känner sig lite bättre.
Och jag tänker på henne.
Nu vill jag önska dig en trevlig helg
Tack detsamma! :)
Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska svara längre när någon frågar hur hon mår. Hon är så svårt sjuk att det är overkligt. Snart ska hon börja genomgå strålbehandling av sin lever som inte renar blodet som det ska. Hon får massor av morfin mot sina smärtor och hon pendlar såklart mellan sorg över att ha blivit så sjuk och glädje över att hon lever. Sjukdomen är kronisk.
Jag önskar Dig en riktigt trevlig helg! Kram
Ohh Susan I just read about your daughter... I wish I would have checked before I sent your parcel :( Thought I let you know that I will be thinking of you all and that she will be in my thoughts and prayers, wishing her all the best!!
Hi Caroline! Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and prays. I believe in positive energy so I am convinced that when people send her love and think about her it will help her :)
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